summer 2024

twirl down for camp details

twirl down for camp details ⤵

  • Camper age 7-12

    CAMP A
    June 1 - 5
    + Speaker: Ryan Coatney

    CAMP B
    June 6 - 10
    + Speaker: Ryan Coatney

    CAMP C (mini)
    June 11 - 14
    + Speaker: Jesse Joyner
    ++ Departure after lunch on the 14th

    CAMP D (preteen)
    June 28 - July 2
    + Speaker: Steve Winger
    ++ Campers age 9 - 12

    CAMP E (mini)
    July 13 - 16
    + Speaker: Kimberly Gingrich
    ++ Departure after lunch on the 16th

    CAMP F

    July 18 - 22
    + Speaker: Zach Owens

    CAMP G
    July 23 - 27
    + Speaker: Jesse Joyner

  • Camper age 12-18

    June 16 - 21
    + Speaker: Steve Miller

    June 22 - 27
    + Speaker: Jason Curry

    July 7 - 12
    + Speaker: Walt Barnes

1 Peter 2:9 gives us this purpose in clear, defining words. God calls us “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation”. We are His people living as exiles in a world that needs restoration. We are SET APART from the world so that we “may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called us.” Peter is writing to believers who are being persecuted for their faith, and the encouragement here is to remember who they are: they belong to God and have been called out of darkness into His light! 

Are we a people who fit in, seek comfort, live the good life and retire with stuff? By no means! We are petitioned to live a life that is counter-cultural that points to the goodness of God through the hope and salvation given to us in Jesus Christ. 

Through the summer, we’ll invite those who haven’t trusted Christ to repent of sin, trust in Jesus, and embrace their new identity. Followers of Jesus will be empowered to join Him in His mission to save the world…and probably be a bit different doing it.

Oftentimes, the world today doesn’t always seem very hopeful. We are bombarded with news of war, famine, abuse, and injustice that can make even the most positive person feel despair. Ironically, we are also inundated with social pressures that cause us to think that fitting in and having power will make a difference in our lives. So we strive for “popularity, likes, acceptance”. We shop the latest trends and spend a lot of time and emotion on comparison. Quickly we begin to look and sound like everyone else…but things around us are still breaking. 

God’s vision for His people is drastically different! We have a hope that cannot be waveried by any disaster. Each of us has been uniquely made in His image, and are meant to stand out from the crowd. That is why our theme for summer camp 2024 is “SET APART”. We will share the good news of our purpose and calling as God’s people living in a fallen world.